Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9


Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9, Sozopol
Booking information
phone for booking - Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9, Sozopol 0888 425997    

address of Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9, Sozopol Sozopol, Vihren Str.
Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9, Sozopol offers 2 beds in total.

Room with a panoramic view of the sea, private bathroom, air conditioning, TV + Wi-Fi


Nearby you can find shops and restaurants, as well as paid parking 50 meters away. The old town is 10 minutes away.

For more information, call the indicated phone number.


Extras and amenities
Separate room Over the horizon in Sozopol 9, Sozopol offers you the following amenities:

TV set, cable television, landlords, air conditioning, refrigerator, internet, bathroom/toilet, balcony, view, iron
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
Separate room 2 1 36 € 31 € N/A N/A N/A

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