8 Houses in Miykovtsi, Bulgaria
All houses in Miykovtsi, Bulgaria with prices, phones, photos, stars, descriptions, addresses and locations on the map. 8 houses in Miykovtsi.
More in Miykovtsi: 1 family hotels in Miykovtsi
In a quiet place in the mountain Guest Houses Kandaferi 1 and Kandaferi 2 are located in the pretty village of Miykovtsi, 13 km from Elena.
Guest House Kandaferi 1 has a unique...
Guest houses Kandaferi 1 and Kandaferi 2 are located in the village of Miykovtsi, Elena municipality. The houses can accommodate a total of 30 people.
Kandaferi 2 is a beautiful...
Time away in the balkan mauntains around Elena, Bulgaria.
The Old House was built nearly two centuries ago. Its foundations rest on a solid rock slate. The house features traditional...