3 Houses in Godech, Bulgaria

All houses in Godech, Bulgaria with prices, phones, photos, stars, descriptions, addresses and locations on the map. 3 houses in Godech.
More in Godech: 1 hotels in Godech
House Villa Nibela
Villa Nibela is located at the foot of Stara Planina, about 35 km. from Sofia city. Far from the noise and tension of the big city, here you can find peace for you and your loved ones....
villa 14 beds: 462
phones for booking - House Villa Nibela, Godech
House Wild Cherry Cordwood
The name of the boutique guest house Wild Cherry Cordwood comes from the three huge wild cherries in the yard, as well as from the name of the technology by which it was built. The...
apart. 4 beds: 179
phones for booking - House Wild Cherry Cordwood, Godech
House Complex Forest Houses
The Forest Houses Boutique Complex consists of three guest houses and is located in the town of Godech, situated in the western part of Stara Planina Mountain. This is definitely a...
phones for booking - House Complex Forest Houses, Godech