Rositsa House


House Rositsa House, Harvalovtsi
Check alsohouses in Harvalovtsi (1)
Booking information
phone for booking - House Rositsa House, Harvalovtsi 0878 825511    

address of House Rositsa House, Harvalovtsi Harvalovtsi, no address indicated
House Rositsa House, Harvalovtsi offers 8 beds in total.

Located in the Balkan near Elena, house Rositsa offers tranquility and comfort. Nature lovers can take long walks in the surrounding forest to enjoy the fresh air and recharge with positive energy.

The house is suitable both for companies and for people looking for privacy and peace.

The house has a total of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It offers a hall room with a fireplace.

On the ground floor there is a tavern-type hall room.

Extras and amenities
House Rositsa House, Harvalovtsi offers you the following amenities:

fire place, TV set, kitchen, cable television, refrigerator, internet, bathroom/toilet, laundry, view, kitchenette, tavern
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
house 8 1 231 € 231 € 231 € 231 € 231 €

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