Guest house and inn Jogo


House Guest house and inn Jogo, Simeonovo
Check alsohouses in Simeonovo (2)
Booking information
phone for booking - House Guest house and inn Jogo, Simeonovo 0897 560447    

address of House Guest house and inn Jogo, Simeonovo Simeonovo, 1 Vasil Levski Str.
House Guest house and inn Jogo, Simeonovo offers 0 beds in total.

Guest house and inn Jogo is located in the village of Simeonovo, 16 km from the town of Yambol.

The accommodations are comfortably furnished and offer all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay.

In the restaurant next to the house, our guests will be able to enjoy delicious and varied food, satisfying even the most demanding taste.


Extras and amenities
House Guest house and inn Jogo, Simeonovo offers you the following amenities:

restaurant, TV set, cable television, bathroom/toilet
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
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