Ilacovata house

Ilakov ryt

House Ilacovata house, Ilakov ryt
Check alsohouses in Ilakov ryt (2)
Booking information
phone for booking - House Ilacovata house, Ilakov ryt 0885 179841    

address of House Ilacovata house, Ilakov ryt Ilakov ryt, central street
House Ilacovata house, Ilakov ryt offers 9 beds in total.

The house is located 10 km from the town of Elena. Many sights can be seen in the vicinity: Hristovski waterfall 1 km away, the town of Elena, the Yovkovtsi dam, a nice view of Ostrets peak. The house has 9 accommodation places which are distributed as follows: main house - 3 bedrooms with two bathrooms and toilets. Each room has a double bed. A studio with a bedroom and a sofa bed. The house has a tavern and a jacuzzi. The house is not rented for less than two nights and to persons under 25 years of age. Price per night - BGN 35 per person.

Extras and amenities
House Ilacovata house, Ilakov ryt offers you the following amenities:

parking lot, jacuzzi, barbeque, rent-a-bike, TV set, kitchen, cable television, heating, refrigerator, internet, bathroom/toilet, microwave oven, laundry, view, iron, coffee machine, tavern, electric kettle, cooker
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
bed 1 9 18 € 18 € 18 € 18 € 18 €

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