House Sunrise
Cherni dyal

Booking information

House Sunrise, Cherni dyal offers 7 beds in total.
Nestled in the cozy Elena Balkan is a guest house Izgrev.
In the village of Cherni Dyal, 15 km from the town of Elena.
Nestled in the cozy Elena Balkan is a guest house Izgrev.
In the village of Cherni Dyal, 15 km from the town of Elena.
Extras and amenities
House Sunrise, Cherni dyal offers you the following amenities:
parking lot, playground, children's pool, barbeque, TV set, kitchen, heating, refrigerator, bathroom/toilet, laundry, view, iron, pets allowed, summer garden, cooker
parking lot, playground, children's pool, barbeque, TV set, kitchen, heating, refrigerator, bathroom/toilet, laundry, view, iron, pets allowed, summer garden, cooker

Those are total prices for the premises per night.
type | places | number | high summer |
low summer |
high winter |
low winter |
other |
house | 11 | 1 | 93 € | 93 € | 93 € | 93 € | 93 € |