Apartment Galla


Apartment Galla, Pomorie
Booking information
phone for booking - Apartment Galla, Pomorie 0888 226491    

address of Apartment Galla, Pomorie Pomorie, 3, Bratya Miladinovi Str.
Apartment Galla, Pomorie offers 4 beds in total.

The apartmen have 2 rooms one of it is studio, there are 2 private WC, air conditioning, cable TV, refrigerator washing machine and balconies. The apartment is located in the central part of the city, 5 minutes from the beach. Great place for a family vacation with children.

There are stores, restaurants, caffe, playground, pharmacy nearby.

To book and check availability, call the number:

mobile +359 888226491

Viber +373 69152601

Price: BGN 70 for apartment / night.

Extras and amenities
Apartment Galla, Pomorie offers you the following amenities:

TV set, cable television, air conditioning, refrigerator, bathroom/toilet, laundry, balcony
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
Apartment 4 4 36 € 36 € N/A N/A N/A

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