Apartment Bansko

Check alsohotels in Bansko (88)
family hotels in Bansko (28)
houses in Bansko (80)
apartments in Bansko (163)
separate rooms in Bansko (1)
family hotels in Bansko (28)
houses in Bansko (80)
apartments in Bansko (163)
separate rooms in Bansko (1)
Booking information
Apartment Bansko, Bansko offers 0 beds in total.
No description is available for this offer
No description is available for this offer
Extras and amenities
Apartment Bansko, Bansko offers you the following amenities:
bathroom/toilet, kitchenette, waterpark
bathroom/toilet, kitchenette, waterpark

Those are total prices for the premises per night.
type | places | number | high summer |
low summer |
high winter |
low winter |
other |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |