Hotel Royal

Booking information

Family hotel Royal, Svilengrad offers 0 beds in total.
Hotel Royal offers accommodation in double or triple rooms, as well as in a one-bedroom apartment.
Free Wi-Fi and private parking are available.
Hotel Royal offers accommodation in double or triple rooms, as well as in a one-bedroom apartment.
Free Wi-Fi and private parking are available.
Extras and amenities
Family hotel Royal, Svilengrad offers you the following amenities:
parking lot, cafe, TV set, cable television, air conditioning, heating, minibar, phone, internet, bathroom/toilet, balcony, summer garden
parking lot, cafe, TV set, cable television, air conditioning, heating, minibar, phone, internet, bathroom/toilet, balcony, summer garden

Those are total prices for the premises per night.
type | places | number | high summer |
low summer |
high winter |
low winter |
other |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |