Apartments Kavarna hills


2 stars2 stars
Apartment Kavarna hills, Kavarna
Booking information
phone for booking - Apartment Kavarna hills, Kavarna 0988 809940    

address of Apartment Kavarna hills, Kavarna Kavarna, Sea area, 1 Dolfin Str.
Apartment Kavarna hills, Kavarna offers 112 beds in total.


Stațiunea turistică "Kavarna Hills» este un lux închis tip complex de pe coasta de nord Mării Negre, în frumosul golf din micul oraș de Kavarna.

Complexul este situat într-o grădină frumoasă, cu o suprafata de 6280 de metri pătrați în zona stațiunii de oraș Kavarna.

Distanta de la plaja este de aproximativ 300 m. - La numai 5 minute de mers pe jos de plaja, portul de agrement, magazine și restaurante, cafenele și baruri, discoteca si hoteluri mici si are vederi superbe la mare și munte gamă verde. Plaja de nisip se întinde în jurul golfului astfel încât nu există o opțiune ar trebui să preferați plajă la piscină. Centrul orașului este de aproximativ 1800 m.

Pe teritoriul el parc cu plimbări de flori frumoase si o varietate de specii de arbori se află șase blocuri cu mai multe apartamente fiecare 12-18, parcare subterana, gratar, loc de joaca pentru copii. Toți oaspeții pot profita de cele două piscine - una pentru copii și una pentru adulți, sezlonguri și umbrele în jurul piscinelor.

Complexul Kavarna Hills oferă una, două și trei camere apartamente de lux. Fiecare apartament are avantajul de un living mare în plan deschis, cu zonă de bucătărie, aer conditionat. camere de zi duc la un terase frumos cu scopul de a piscine și opinia parțial la apartamentele sea.The sunt conectate la un TV prin satelit. Nu WiFi- conexiune la internet pentru întregul complex.

Complexul dispune de o recepție, care este deschisă 24 de ore pe zi și un sistem de supraveghere videoclip pentru și pază.

Complexul este situat în 40 minute de condus de Aeroportul International Varna și aproximativ 30 km de faimosul vară Statiuni Albena si 40 km de Nisipurile de Aur. De asemenea, este situat în apropiere de orașul minunat de Balcic, unde pot fi găsite repere istorice uimitoare ca o grădină botanică exotică și vechiul Palat de română Reginei Maria. Prestigioasa Cursul Lighthouse Golf este situat la aproximativ 10 minute de Kavarna Hills Complex.

Orașul Kavarna vă va fascina cu istoria sa veche, datând din timpurile tracice și numeroasele sale locuri extraordinare care pastreaza ramasitele vile romane și pereți, clădiri medievale și biserici, Capul Kaliakra, două rezervații naturale și multe altele.

Toate complexului sunt gestionate și întreținute de către compania Green Home Care Ltd - întreținere, management și închiriere de bunuri imobiliare. Compania noastra te va ajuta cu tot ce ai putea avea nevoie - de la organizarea de transferuri tale de vacanta / aer-porturi, asistență rent-a-car, excursii și alte servicii oferite la recepția complexului /, vă urez bun venit la sosire, ajutându-vă în timpul tău ședere în Bulgaria, am fi util pentru toate aspectele și situațiile de plecare. Asistentii noastre sunt disponibile 24 ore pe zi.

Kavarna Hills Complexul este locul potrivit pentru vacanta de familie de vară de relaxare !!


tel. +359 988913513


Apartment complex "Kavarna Hills» is a luxury closed type Complex on the Northern Black sea coast in the beautiful bay of the small town of Kavarna.

The complex is situated in a beautiful garden with an area of 6280 square meters in the resort area of Kavarna town.

The distance to the beach is about 300 m. - only 5 minutes walking distance to the beach, marina, shops and restaurants, cafes and bars, disco and small hotels and has stunning sea views and green mountain range. The sandy beach stretches around the bay so there is an option should you prefer the beach to the poolside. The city center is about 1800 m.

On the territory of he park with beautiful flower walks and a variety of tree species are located six blocks with more 12-18 apartments each, underground parking, barbecue, children's playground. All guests can take the advantage of the two swimming pools - one for children and one for adults, sun-beds and umbrellas around the pools.

The Complex Kavarna Hills is offering one, two and three bedroom luxurious apartments. Each apartment has the benefit of a large open plan living room with kitchen area , air-conditioner . living rooms are leading to a nice terraces with a view to the pools and partial view to the sea.The apartments are connected to a satellite TV. There WiFi- internet connection for the whole complex .

The complex has a reception, which is open 24 hours a day and a video system for surveillance and security guard.

The Complex is located in 40 minutes driving to the International Airport of Varna and approximately 30 km to the famous Summer Resorts Albena and 40 km to the Golden Sands. It is also located close to the lovely town of Balchik, where can be found amazing historic landmarks like the exotic botanic garden and the old Palace of Romanian Queen Maria. The prestigious Lighthouse golf course is situated about 10 minutes drive from Kavarna Hills Complex.

The town of Kavarna will fascinate you with its ancient history dating from the Thracian times and its many extraordinary places that keep the remains of Roman villas and walls, medieval buildings and churches, the cape of Kaliakra, two natural reserves and many more.

All the complex are managed and maintained by company Green Home Care Ltd - maintenance, management and rental of real estate. Our company will assist you with everything you may need - from organizing your vacation /air-port transfers, rent-a-car assistance, excursions and other services offered at the reception of the complex /, welcome you on arrival, helping you during your stay in Bulgaria, we being useful for all matters and situations to your departure. Our assistants are available 24 hours a day.

Kavarna Hills Complex is the right place for your relaxing summer family vacation!!


Apartment complex "Kavarna Hills» is a luxury closed type Complex on the Northern Black sea coast in the beautiful bay of the small town of Kavarna.

The complex is situated in a beautiful garden with an area of 6280 square meters in the resort area of Kavarna town.

The distance to the beach is about 300 m. - only 5 minutes walking distance to the beach, marina, shops and restaurants, cafes and bars, disco and small hotels and has stunning sea views and green mountain range. The sandy beach stretches around the bay so there is an option should you prefer the beach to the poolside. The city center is about 1800 m.

On the territory of he park with beautiful flower walks and a variety of tree species are located six blocks with more 12-18 apartments each, underground parking, barbecue, children's playground. All guests can take the advantage of the two swimming pools - one for children and one for adults, sun-beds and umbrellas around the pools.

The Complex Kavarna Hills is offering one, two and three bedroom luxurious apartments. Each apartment has the benefit of a large open plan living room with kitchen area , air-conditioner . living rooms are leading to a nice terraces with a view to the pools and partial view to the sea.The apartments are connected to a satellite TV. There WiFi- internet connection for the whole complex .

The complex has a reception, which is open 24 hours a day and a video system for surveillance and security guard.

The Complex is located in 40 minutes driving to the International Airport of Varna and approximately 30 km to the famous Summer Resorts Albena and 40 km to the Golden Sands. It is also located close to the lovely town of Balchik, where can be found amazing historic landmarks like the exotic botanic garden and the old Palace of Romanian Queen Maria. The prestigious Lighthouse golf course is situated about 10 minutes drive from Kavarna Hills Complex.

The town of Kavarna will fascinate you with its ancient history dating from the Thracian times and its many extraordinary places that keep the remains of Roman villas and walls, medieval buildings and churches, the cape of Kaliakra, two natural reserves and many more.

All the complex are managed and maintained by company Green Home Care Ltd - maintenance, management and rental of real estate. Our company will assist you with everything you may need - from organizing your vacation /air-port transfers, rent-a-car assistance, excursions and other services offered at the reception of the complex /, welcome you on arrival, helping you during your stay in Bulgaria, we being useful for all matters and situations to your departure. Our assistants are available 24 hours a day.

Kavarna Hills Complex is the right place for your relaxing summer family vacation!!



Kompleks apartamentów "Kavarna Hills» to luksusowy kompleks typu zamknięte na północnym wybrzeżu Morza Czarnego, w pięknej zatoce małej miejscowości Kavarna.

Kompleks położony jest w pięknym ogrodzie o powierzchni 6280 metrów kwadratowych w dzielnicy uzdrowiskowej miasta Kavarna.

Odległość do plaży jest około 300 m. - Tylko 5 minut pieszo do plaży, przystani, sklepów i restauracji, kawiarni i barów, dyskotek i małych hoteli i oferuje wspaniałe widoki na morze i zielone pasmo górskie. Piaszczysta plaża rozciąga się wokół zatoki, więc nie jest to opcja powinna wolisz plaży na basenie. Centrum miasta jest około 1800 m.

Na terenie parku z pięknymi on spacery kwiatów i różnorodność gatunków drzew znajdują się sześć bloków z więcej 12-18 apartamentów każdy, podziemny parking, grill, plac zabaw dla dzieci. Wszyscy goście mogą skorzystania z dwóch basenów - jeden dla dzieci i jeden dla dorosłych, leżaki i parasole wokół basenów.

Kavarna Hills Complex oferuje jedno, dwu i trzy pokojowe luksusowe apartamenty. Każdy apartament posiada korzyści z dużego pokoju dziennego na otwartym planie z aneksem kuchennym, klimatyzacją. salony prowadzą do Nicei tarasy z widokiem na baseny i częściowym widokiem na sea.The mieszkań podłączonych do telewizji satelitarnej. Nie WiFi- połączenia internetowego dla całego kompleksu.

Na terenie kompleksu znajduje się recepcja, która jest czynna 24 godziny na dobę i systemów wideo do nadzoru i ochrony.

Kompleks znajduje się w 40 minut jazdy samochodem do międzynarodowego lotniska w Warnie i około 30 km do słynnych ośrodków wypoczynkowych Albena i 40 km do Złotych Piasków. To również znajduje się w pobliżu pięknego miasta Balchik, gdzie znajdują się wspaniałe zabytki jak egzotyczny ogród botaniczny i starego pałacu rumuńskiej królowej Marii. Prestiżowe Oczywiście Lighthouse Golf położony jest około 10 minut jazdy samochodem od Kavarna Hills Complex.

Miasto Kavarna zafascynuje Cię swoją starożytną historią sięgającą czasów trackich z jego wielu niezwykłych i miejscach, które utrzymują się pozostałości rzymskich willi i ścian, średniowiecznych budynków i kościołów, na przylądek Kaliakra, dwa rezerwaty przyrody i wiele innych.

Wszystkie złożone są zarządzane i utrzymywane przez firmy Green Home Care Ltd - technicznego, zarządzania i wynajmu nieruchomości. Nasza firma pomoże Państwu wszystko możesz potrzebować - od organizowania transferów wakacje / powietrze-portowych, pomoc rent-a-car, wycieczki i inne usługi oferowane w recepcji kompleksu /, zapraszamy w dniu przyjazdu, pomaga w trakcie pobyt w Bułgarii, to jest przydatne dla wszystkich spraw i sytuacji do wyjazdu. Nasi asystenci są dostępne 24 godziny na dobę.

Kavarna Hills Complex jest idealnym miejscem na relaksujący letni wypoczynek rodzinny !!


tel. +359 988913513


Апартаментный туристический комплекс "Каварна Хилс» является апартаментныйм комплексом закрытого типа, расположенный на северном побережье Черного моря в красивой бухте городка Каварна.

Комплекс расположен в прекрасном саду площадью 6280 квадратных метров в курортной зоне города Каварна.

Расстояние до пляжа около 300 м. Рядом находится пристань для яхт, несколько ресторанов, кафе и баров, дискотека и мини-отели.Центр города находится на расстоянии около 1800 м.. Красивый и интересный город Балчик находится в 17 км, а курорт Албена находится в 30 км от комплекса.

В парке комплекса с красивыми аллеями и различными видами деревьев расположены шесть корпуса с 12-18 апартаментами в каждом, подземная парковка, два плавательных бассейна, барбекю, детская игровая площадка.

Каварна Хилс Комплекс предлагает одно, двух и трех спальные апартаменты класса люкс. Кажды апартамент имеет в своем распоряжении большую гостиную с кухней, спутниковым телевидением, Wi-Fi интернет. С балконов и террас апартаментов открывается прекрасный вид на море.

Комплекс имеется рецепшен, которая работает 24 часа в сутки.

Комплекс имеет систему виденаблюдения и охрану.

Комплекс расположен в 40 минутах езды от международного аэропорта Варны, около 30 км от известных морских курортов Албена и в 40 км от курорта Золотые Пески. Около 17 км от комплекса красиво амфитеатр морских склонов Балчик, также называемый "Белый город" является самым известным своей потрясающей ботанический сад и исторического комплекса "Дворец королевы Марии." Престижном гольф-поле Thracian Cliffs расположен примерно в 10 минутах езды от Каварна Хилс комплекса.

Город Каварна захватывает Вас своей древней историей еще со фракийских времен и многих местах - остатки римских вилл и стен, средневековые здания и церкви. Исторический и знаковым "мыс" с двумя природными заповедниками всего в 10 минутах езды на автомобиле.

Весь комплекс Каварна Хилс управляется и поддерживается Green Home Care Ltd. - компанией по управлению, техническому обслуживанию и аренде недвижимости. Наша компания поможет Вам в решении любых вопросов которые могут возникнуть - организовать свой отдых / трансфер из аэропорта, обеспечить прокат автомобилей и другие услуги, предлагаемые на рецепции комплекса / прием по прибытии, необходимую помощь во время Вашего пребывания в Болгарии, решение всех возникающих вопросов и ситуаций до вашего отъезда. Наши сотрудники к Вашим услугам 24 часа в сутки.

Каварна Хилс Комплекс подходящее место для вашего спокойного семейного отдыха летом!


Green Home Care Ltd :

Mob. +359 878 872736, моб. + 359 988 913 513


Extras and amenities
Apartment Kavarna hills, Kavarna offers you the following amenities:

outdoor pool, parking lot, security, playground, children's pool, barbeque, TV set, kitchen, cable television, satellite tv, air conditioning, heating, refrigerator, internet, bathroom/toilet, microwave oven, laundry, balcony, view, bath tub, DVD, iron, hair-dryer, kitchenette, garage, laundry, dry cleaning, pets allowed, summer garden, access for disabled, electric kettle, cooker
Those are total prices for the premises per night.

type places number high summer
low summer
high winter
low winter
Apartment 4 5 52 € 42 € N/A N/A 26 €
Apartment 6 14 72 € 62 € N/A N/A 31 €
Apartment 8 3 83 € 72 € N/A N/A 36 €

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